
Reproduction: Reproduction is the biological process in which an individual gives rise to an offspring similar to itself.

Purpose of Reproduction:

1. Continuity of Species:

Reproduction maintains the continuity of species.

2. Population Organisation:

Reproduction maintains population of the young, adult and the aged persons.

3. Variations:

Reproduction introduces variations in the organisms. Useful variations are essential for adaptations and evolution.

4. Life:

Life exists on earth due to reproduction in organisms.

Basic Features of Reproduction:

All modes of reproduction have some common basic features.

These are as follows:

(i) Synthesis of RNA, proteins and other bio-chemicals.

(ii) Replication of DNA.

(iii) Cell divi­sion.

(iv) Growth of cells.

(v) Formation of reproductive units.

(vi) Formation of new individuals from reproductive units.

Types of Reproduction:

Based on whether there is one or two organisms taking part in the process of reproduction


  1. Asexual Reproduction
  2. Sexual Reproduction

Clone- Off springs which are produced by asexual reproduction and are exact copy of their parents.

Related Keywords
12    PMT    Biology    Reproduction in Organisms    Reproduction