Movement & Its Type

  1. muscular :-

(that involves muscles  mostly occur at cellular level or by eukaryotes).

  1. Protoplasmic streaming
  2. flagella movements
  3. Cilia movements
  1. Protoplasmic streaming :- flow of protoplasm of cell outside of it  ex-amoeba.
  2. Flagella movements :- some cells or organisms move with the heap of flagella. Ex-sperms, hydra. Only 1 or 2 in no.
  3. Cilia movements :- some cells or organisms move with the help of cilia. Cilia are small hair like present on full body surface. Flame cells have cilia. 
  1. Non-muscular :-

(that do not involve muscles mostly occur at organism level or by multi cellular organism).

  1. Locomotion
  2. Movement by body parts.
  1. Locomotion :- movement of full body from one place to another is locomotion. Ex. Swimming by fish, running, walking by dog, man etc.
  2. Movement of body parts :-



By external parts 

By internal organs

  1. Limbs help in movements (walking ) and for carrying out all works.
  2. Movement of tongue helps in speaking.
  3. Movement of head & face help o show many postures.
  4. Movements of mouth tongue etc help to take food inside the body.
  1. Heart beats & circulate blood in body.
  2. Movement of diaphragm help in breathing.
  3. Movements in alimentary canal help in digestion of food.
  4. Movement of layers help in sound production, & in removal of  waste from  body.


Movements in land vertebrates:-

Amoeboid movements :- in our body macrophages and leucocytes show such movements by forming a false foot to engulf the foreign particles (false foot- pseudopodia ).

Cilia movements :- many cells living in inner layer of our body have cilia to allow the movement of particles only in one direction.

Muscular movements:- we can move our limbs, tongue, jaws, & many more organs due to muscles.

Related Keywords
11    PMT    Biology    Locomotion and Movement    Movement & Its Type