
A type of tissue that connects 2 or more bones together at their meeting place, is joint (articulation/connection).

Study of joints is called arthrology.

They make the body flexible and also allow the growth of structures they connect.

Three types of joints:-

  1. Fibrous joints
  1. Cartilaginous joints
  1. Synovial joints
  1. They are fully immovable joints.
  2. These joints are held together by collagen fiber so they does not move.
  3. They are also called sutures.
  1. They are slightly moveable.
  2. These joints are held together by elastic pads of fibro cartilage so slightly movable.
  3. They are also called symphysis. 
  1. They are freely moveable.
  2. They have a slippery synovial fluid in their cavity. And articular cartilage around this cavity to allow free movement.
  3. They are further of 6 types. 

Types of synovial joints :-

  1. Ball socket joint :- one bone like a ball that bits into the socket (empty space ) of other bone. Bone can move in all directions.

ex : Humerus & femur have ball like head at one end, which fits in the socket of petoral and pelvic girdle respectively.

  1. Hinge joint :- This joint allow movement in only one direction. Knee joint, elbow joint, ankle & joint b/w phalanges.
  2. Gliding joint:- allow sliding movement of 1 bone over another.

ex: b/wwrist & metacarpals.

  1. Pivot joint:- it allows only a rotatory movement of one bone over another.

ex : upper end of radius and ulna articulate. (move) due to this joint b/w them.

  1. Saddle joint :-  joint is like ball & socket appearance, but ball & sockets are not completely developed.

ex : joint b/w metacarpals & carpals.


Related Keywords
11    PMT    Biology    Locomotion and Movement    Joints